Sponsor Our Virtual 5K
$13,050 raised
$5,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Cheshire Home kicks off their 40th Anniversary and Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month with a 1st Annual Virtual 5K. As a local business within our community and a friend to Cheshire, we invite you to sponsor this event.
Your sponsorship will make a direct impact on our residents, young adults who have experienced spinal cord injury. Funds raised will support services that help these men and women reach their goals and live independent lives.
Sponsorship Levels
Title Sponsor: $2000
- Logo prominently on T-shirt
- Mention on social media, website and all event collateral
- 5 running participants
Platinum: $1000
- Logo on T-shirt
- Mention on social media & website
- 3 running participants
Gold: $500
- Logo on T-shirt
- Mention on social media & website
- 2 running participants
Silver: $300
- Logo on T-shirt
- Mention on social media & website
- 1 running participant
Please email your high-resolution company logo to to Kim Boyer at kboyer@cheshirenj.org.
Registration Deadline: September 1